GAMES – Grid Aware Mobility and Energy Sharing

Grid-aware mobility and energy sharing

Objective of the project GAMES

The GAMES project addresses the question of how digitalisation can enable e-fleets to both meet mobility needs and at the same time create new revenues through the provision of flexibility services. Using existing digital data, GAMES will assess the compatibility of shared e-vehicle fleets with the energy market. In addition, the added value resulting from the coupling of the mobility and electricity sectors will be evaluated. The focus is explicitly placed on technical and economic modeling. In particular, the corresponding “relocation” problem, which describes the charging of an e-car at a suboptimal charging point, has not yet been thoroughly investigated, although it is quite crucial for the planning of charging networks and their local impact on electricity demand. The GAMES project explores these questions and lays the foundation for digital business models, because with the increasing market ramp-up of electric vehicles, other vehicle fleets with shared use, such as car sharing or company fleets, will also join the e-mobility revolution.

In this context, e-vehicles are potentially valuable resources for storing and providing energy flexibly over time, as they can provide various system services through intelligent and bidirectional charging. Especially on a local level, e-vehicles could help to avoid bottlenecks of the distribution grid operator and increase the self-consumption of renewable energy in energy communities. In this regard, fleet managers are promising players to enable the integration of entire e-fleets into a local energy system – for example, through an interface that works with other systems.

Approach and methodology of the project GAMES

Creation of a digital business model

How is the project goal of grid-aware mobility and energy sharing to be achieved? GAMES will conduct a broad consultation process with relevant stakeholders such as technology providers, energy industry players, fleet managers and end-users. Their strategic goals, perspectives and needs are analyzed and a promising new digital business model is formulated on this basis. The bidirectional integration of e-fleets into a local energy system is evaluated in a simulated digital laboratory environment. For this purpose, prediction algorithms and interoperable interfaces will be developed, as well as an economic merit order model that evaluates the monetary value of the approach followed. Taking into account all technical, economic and user criteria, optimal charging plans are modeled to enable smooth and efficient integration of the mobility and energy sectors.


This project has been funded by partners of the ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems and Mission Innovation through the Joint Call 2020. As such, this project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 883973.

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Project key facts

01.04.2022 - 30.09.2024

funding program

Project type
Cooperation project experimental development

Project budget
299.650 €

Project management

e7 Energie Markt Analyse GmbH

The following model solutions are being developed in the GAMES – Grid Aware Mobility and Energy Sharing project:

Consulting service for the integration of e-car sharing fleets into local energy systems

Media reports on the project

GAMES Industry Whitepaper (executive summary)

GAMES Industry Whitepaper – New Business Opportunities leveraging the Flexibility Potential of electric shared Vehicle Fleets (executive summary)

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GAMES Industry Whitepaper (full version)

GAMES Industry Whitepaper – New Business Opportunities leveraging the Flexibility Potential of electric shared Vehicle Fleets (full version)

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