Benefit from cooperations
On 30.05.2023 the 6th Zukunftsheurige took place in Wieselburg on the topic "Using digitalization - Smart renewable energy systems II - opportunities and challenges". At the invitation of the House of Digitization, Green Energy Lab gave on-site input on the topic of "Profiting from Cooperations".

f.l.t.r. CEO Walter Kreisel of neoom, Digitization Manager Peter Brandstetter of ecoplus digital, Managing Director Lukas Prenner of EnergyFamily Innovation Manager Karin Dögl of Green Energy Lab, HDD Node Manager Reinhard Streimelweger
About 30 interested participants gathered on 30.05.2023 under the motto “Smart renewable energy systems” at the Josephinum Research in Wieselburg for an exciting information and networking event on the occasion of the 6th Zukunftsheurigen of the Knoten Wieselburg in the project House of Digitalization.
Karin Dögl is Innovation Manager at the Green Energy Lab and supervises research projects in the market transition of their results. In Wieselburg, she spoke about the current opportunities and challenges of digitization in the field of renewable energy and why it makes sense to search for solutions cooperatively, especially in this field.
The key message was that digitization is a particularly relevant cross-cutting issue when it comes to making rapid progress on the energy transition. The key words here are “decentralization” through what is known to be a multitude of renewable energy sources while “securing” the critical energy infrastructure. In this context, technology fields such as artificial intelligence, big data, cryptography and blockchain are not mere buzzwords, but have concrete fields of application in green energy. For example, intelligent metering systems, smart contracts and digital twins are needed to innovatively and meaningfully master the rapid increase in data-driven processes in this area, Innovation Manager Dögl reported. Predictive maintenance and anomaly detection are further areas of application to be discovered at the interface between energy and digitalization.
By the way, you can also find more in-depth information and suggestions on current developments in this area in our follow-up to the Green Energy Lab Insight Talk “Cybersecurity4Energy“ and in our current RadarView 2023.
All the more reason for fruitful collaborations that can answer questions about this overall system complexity with complementary expertise. “Renewable energy needs technology providers from the digitalization sector,” the Green Energy Lab placed a call for action to the assembled digitalization community on site, because there are still many unanswered questions when it comes to the concrete implementation and development of innovative solutions.
“The Green Energy Lab is happy to provide support with established processes and a wealth of experience when it comes to initiating collaborations and/or finding the perfect use case partner from green energy supply to end use,” the innovation manager concluded. During the subsequent busy exchange of business cards, one or two invitations were extended and our network was expanded to include valuable technology providers from the digitization sector.