
solutions for
market launch

Prepare solutions for market launch

We support the measures developed by our Steering Group selected projects subcontractor in implementing tangible solutions for the future of energy in our dynamic test region. With its expertise, market and financial strength from our extensive partner network until innovative products and services are ready for the market.

With our focus on usable solutions, the market and financial strength of our partner network and results-oriented communication to implementation partners, the specialist community and the general public, we prepare the market launch of your products and services.

Brief info: We support you in communicating your innovation project and make your innovative energy technologies known to a wide audience. In addition, we support the targeted dissemination of your results in the scientific and commercial sectors. This promotes the company’s image as an innovation leader and shaper of the future, with a positive effect on the market opportunities for the solutions developed in the projects.

Your advantages: You benefit from targeted dissemination via our communication channels (website, press, newsletter, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), from the direct approach of multipliers and our support with press relations. Green Energy Lab’s communication services arouse the interest of relevant stakeholders and support anchoring in the stakeholder and research community.

Conditions / costs: The comprehensive basic version of this offer is provided by Green Energy Lab as a subcontractor in projects and is compensated within the flat-rate service fee (further information).This includes comprehensive communication activities via our central communication channels website, social media, newsletter, etc., project placement in print and online media and, if applicable, at events, integration of project results into our stakeholder communication, etc.

In addition, Green Energy Lab offers project-specific premium services in the area of communication (e.g.Project graphics & -logos, print products etc. relating to the project), which are compensated according to time and effort.

Brief info: As part of the Green Energy Lab, your project is an important building block for a sustainable energy future. By embedding your project in the overarching strategy of the Green Energy Lab and through structured exchange with other projects and the identification of synergies, we support you in successfully implementing your innovation project.

Your advantages: The structured exchange with other projects from the Green Energy Lab gives you an insight into current research activities and findings, and enables synergies and the joint use of resources. In addition, targeted networking with decision-makers from business, research and administration increases the chances of success and the impact of your solutions.

Conditions / costs: This service is provided by Green Energy Lab as a subcontractor in projects and is compensated within the flat-rate service fee (further information).

Brief info: Green Energy Lab uses design thinking methods to conduct comprehensive stakeholder processes in order to identify the perspectives, expectations and needs of relevant target groups and stakeholders (including funding bodies). The results are made available to the (potential) projects and linked back to the questions posed by the projects.

Your advantages: You receive results on stakeholder groups and (end) customers that are important for the projects and sample solutions, as well as regular updates on the relevant (customer) needs and problems.

Conditions / costs: The basic version of this offer is provided by Green Energy Lab as a subcontractor in projects and is compensated within the flat-rate service fee (further information).

In addition, Green Energy Lab offers the implementation of project-specific design thinking stakeholder processes as a premium service; remuneration is based on time and effort.

Brief info: Green Energy Lab develops the criteria for defining model solutions, offers onboarding webinars on the role and function of model solutions and defines solutions together with the project managers. The Green Energy Lab also provides support in the presentation of sample solutions and the preparation of subsequent commercial exploitation.

Your advantages: Green Energy Lab’s support in defining and developing model solutions lays the foundation for successful long-term utilization. The monitoring of the sample solutions and the extensive feedback to the project partners provides information on the potential for scaling and broad market roll-out of the individual sample solutions. In addition, sample solutions are communicated on the website and placed in special presentations for specific target groups. Here you will find an interactive online map with the geographical location of all energy solutions.

Conditions / costs: This service is provided by Green Energy Lab as a subcontractor in projects and is compensated within the flat-rate service fee (further information).

Brief info: Monitoring and review meetings are held annually between the Green Energy Lab and project management; there is also a monitoring webinar. In the impact assessment, the effects of the individual sample solutions are scaled with regard to defined impact parameters for Austria.

Your advantages: Through monitoring, the projects fulfill their obligation within the framework of the joint or framework agreement. Monitoring on the basis of projects and sample solutions serves to support utilization. The information gained from this also flows into the scientific dissemination of Green Energy Lab and supports the knowledge gained at showcase region level.

Conditions / costs: This service is provided by Green Energy Lab as a subcontractor in projects and is compensated within the flat-rate service fee (further information).

Brief info: As a final point, the results of your research project will be looked at again with a focus on the commercialization perspective. As an experienced sparring partner, Green Energy Lab offers you the opportunity to hold a market readiness pitch in front of interested people from our founding members’ companies and to receive qualified feedback using a friendly customer approach.  This can significantly reduce the gap to market transition.

Your advantages: You receive individual sparring and feedback based on your potentially usable results. Concrete utilization channels, players and partners are reviewed together (what is the problem/solution and business/market fit etc.?). The chances for a concrete, innovative business model development and placement on the market can be increased once again through relevant feedback from the energy supplier’s perspective.

Conditions / costs: This service is provided by Green Energy Lab as a subcontractor in projects and is compensated within the flat-rate service fee (further information).