
Our open innovation process covers all steps from foresight & trend scouting, idea and project development to communication and dissemination of the solutions developed.

You benefit from early recognition of relevant trends, quality-assured and preferential access to funding and preparation for the market launch of project outputs through our comprehensive, target group and solution-focused communication.

Recognizing trends at an early stage – Explore & inspire

Develop Innovation Projects – Ideate & create

Prepare solutions for market launch – Demonstrate & launch

Das Green Energy Lab Team

Premium services and offers outside the Innovation Journey

Intuitive Visualization of the “Green Energy Foresighting Journey”

Our price models

Many of our services are currently available to all our Innovator Circle members free of charge. This includes offers for networking and knowledge exchange, such as Innovator Circle Events or Insight Talks, but also offers for the concrete development of innovation projects.

As a subcontractor, Green Energy Lab provides in projects defined service packages. These service packages during project implementation are remunerated with a service fee; you can find more information in the Framework conditions for projects

In addition, we offer further services, which are provided on the basis of project-specific agreements with the respective project partners / project consortia and are charged according to time and effort.