
Open Call for Ideas

Do you have an idea for the energy transition and are looking for ways to implement it? Submit your project on our subject areas now and take advantage of our services! We connect you with partners who are strong in implementation.

Focal points of the Open Call for Ideas

We are currently looking for innovative ideas for the future of energy in four thematic spotlights:

  • Monitoring of energy networks with regard to risk and resilience
  • Diversification, decentralization and independently functioning subsystems
  • Innovative methods to increase the reliability of energy grids
  • Integration of green power plants
  • Digital twins as a way of monitoring resilience
  • Big data, AI, predictive modeling and other algorithms to increase the security of supply and resilience of energy systems
  • Market and regulatory framework conditions that are necessary for the effective implementation of a circular economy.
  • Innovations to strengthen the role of biomass in the circular economy
  • Increasing resource efficiency through innovative environmental technologies and sustainable raw materials management
  • Socio-economic impulses and incentives to achieve broad acceptance among the population
  • Conversion to CO2-neutral technologies
  • Conditioning of existing buildings and neighborhoods and further development of the building stock towards smart elements in the sustainable energy system
  • Seasonal energy storag
  • Development and use of innovative heat pump technologies
  • Aspects of holistic spatial and infrastructure planning
  • New methods for measuring social acceptance and collective behavior (behavioral economics, socioeconomics, etc.)
  • Incentive systems for an effective and efficient increase in the acceptance of technologies and energy innovations
  • Sharing Economy
  • Gamification and elements of the New Digital World



Submit your ideas now

The following tools and processes are available for submitting ideas to the Green Energy Lab:

Canvas for project development:

Do you have an initial idea for an innovation project and would like to explore possible implementations within the Green Energy Lab? Use our canvas for project development and receive feedback from us on possible next steps for a possible implementation of the idea in the Green Energy Lab.

Project idea description:

Your project idea is already further developed and you would like to submit and implement the project in a national or international funding program with the support of Green Energy Lab? Fill out our project idea description template. This forms the basis for the assessment of the project idea by the experts from Green Energy Lab and our Steering Group.

Information on submitting to the Green Energy Lab can be found in the FAQ for projects and ideas.

Advantages in the development of innovation

(Further) development of your idea and the creation of an open space for discussion and mutual exchange, as well as match making with potential partners to form a project consortium.

Feedback on your project idea and support with project design and implementation -Set- up.

Individual workshops with support in consortium formation and consideration of relevant evaluation criteria.

Joint identification and presentation of synergies with other projects and text modules for project applications.

Advantages in the implementation of innovation

Structured exchange with other projects, insights into current research activities and findings and joint use of resources.

Comprehensive stakeholder processes and elicitation of end-customer needs according to design thinking methods as well as feedback to the projects.

Criteria for and joint definition of model solutions as well as monitoring and impact assessment of model solutions.

Support in communicating and increasing the national and international visibility of your project as part of the Green Energy Lab

You have decided to submit your project idea to our Open Call for Ideas togehter with Green Energy Labtoset? As Austria’s largest innovation laboratory for green energy, we support you with our services throughout the entire innovation journey – from the initial idea to market maturity. Together, we are creating an integrated energy system for a sustainable future with customer-centric solutions.

What happens now?

All submitted ideas go through our Quick Check+, in which we work together with our Steering Group give you a qualified assessment of your idea and define the next steps. As an idea submitter you will therefore receive Expert:inside feedback from the Steering Group on your project. If the decision is positive, your project will become part of our quality-assured project portfolio. Your project will be implemented via the defined implementation path in the Green Energy Lab and supported by our Open Innovation Services.

FAQ for submitting ideas

We support players such as companies, start-ups, research institutions, cities and municipalities in the development of bold new ideas. Individual submissions as well as submissions from existing consortia are possible.

As part of the Quick Check+, your idea will be submitted to the Green Energy Lab team and our Steering Group. The experts in the Steering Group have signed a confidentiality agreement to this effect.

In order to decide whether your project is supported by our defined service package and included in the Green Energy Lab project portfolio, we carry out a transparent quality check, the Quick Check+. In the Quick Check+, we evaluate your project idea together with our Steering Group experts using transparent criteria (see project idea description).

The clear advantage for you: you receive qualitative expert feedback as early as the submission phase and, if the decision is positive, defined support services for your project.
Our advantage: We identify and support the best projects, thus ensuring the quality-assured growth of our project portfolio.

Ideas can be submitted at any time.

The Green Energy Lab does not provide funding or financing. As an innovation laboratory, we support your submission to selected national and international funding programs and provide access to Austria’s leading energy suppliers.

There are no costs for submitting the project idea. Our support services for developing your idea into a concrete innovation project (prior to funding approval) are available to Innovator Circle members free of charge. The project development offers include Co-CreationThematic field-Workshops, quick check and project selection, project development workshops, as well as review and support with project set-up and project applications.

In the implementation phase, i.e. after funding or financing has been approved, we as Green Energy Lab take on a role as a subcontractor with specific rights and conditions relating to the function of network coordination of the showcase region and provide the following services defined services. These service packages are usually remunerated with a lump sum of 1.5% of the project costs. (plus 20 % VAT) compensated. If other KPC demonstration projects are linked to an R&D project submitted to the FFG, as may be the case, for example, in the context of the Vorzeigeregion Energie tender, an additional flat-rate fee of € 1,500 (plus 20% VAT) per year is charged for each KPC demo project.

Premium services over and above these defined services are charged on the basis of project-specific agreements depending on the work involved.

By submitting your idea, which you would like to develop further together with the Green Energy Lab, no obligations arise.

If – following a positive Quick Check+ decision by the Green Energy Lab team and our Steering Group and funding or financing approval – the idea is turned into a project, the project partners commit to cross-project collaboration within the Green Energy Lab showcase region.

At the moment, we are primarily looking for new ideas. However, you are also welcome to send us your challenge and we will define the next steps together to generate suitable ideas.

If you would like to develop an idea together with the Green Energy Lab, all you need to do is submit the completed project idea canvas. We then define the next steps together to develop your idea into a concrete project. However, project ideas that you would like to submit in the context of specific calls for proposals should already be concrete and show a corresponding interest in implementation. Concrete project ideas should be submitted with the general project idea description.