R2EC – Regional Renewable Energy Cells

Decentralized energy cells are simulated on the basis of renewable energies

©Green Energy Lab
©Green Energy Lab

This research project has already been completed. Here you can download the final report of R2EC.

As part of the European research project R2EC, with partner organizations from Norway, Belgium and Austria, decentralized energy cells based on renewable energies are to be simulated and relevant technologies tested. For this purpose, three model energy regions were selected in Austria in order to collect real consumption data and to research the contribution of regional energy cells to the success of the energy transition.

The project aims directly at increasing the share of renewable energy in local energy communities. In doing so, the region should not only be supplied with local renewables autonomously, but also contribute to covering the consumption of other regions. To achieve this goal, more flexibilities must be used and more must be created with the help of memories. This creates regions with a balance of up to 100% renewable energy supplies.

In the course of the project, the use of renewable energies at the local and regional level is maximized through a coordinated interaction of generation, storage and consumption – at the system level, the intelligent coordination of regional energy cells with one another can make a sustainable contribution to overall system optimization and resilience, which the user can make perceives as an active part of the value chain.

This project was funded by partners of the ERA-Net SES 2018 Joint Call RegSys (www.eranet-smartenergysystems.eu), a network of 30 national and regional RTD funding agencies from 23 European countries. As such, this project has been funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 775970.

Project page

Project key facts

01.05.2019 - 31.01.2023

funding program

Project type
Cooperation project experimental development

Project budget
1.483.795 €

Project management

FH Technikum Wien

The following model solutions are being developed in the R2EC – Regional Renewable Energy Cells project:

Regional and local energy cells in Austria

Media reports on the project

My village is my energy cell

The organizational form of energy grids is set to change fundamentally in the future. In so-called energy cells, the electricity generated locally - in settlements, villages, districts or neighborhoods - is to be consumed or stored locally with the help of appropriate technologies.

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