Green Energy Lab at Mission Innovation Austria
The Mission Innovation Austria Week took place this year from June 12 to 14 in Stegersbach with prominent participation of Green Energy Lab. Also in 2023, the central event of the Austrian innovation forces for energy and climate protection innovations offered a lot of news from research, technology and society.

f.l.t.r.: Ralf-Roman Schmidt, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH; Ingo Leusbrock, AEE Intec; Susanne Supper und Lisa Wolf, Green Energy Lab; Cécile Kerebel, SIR – Salzburger Institut für Raumordnung und Wohnen GmbH; Gerald Zotter, Joachim Kelz und Carina Seidnitzer-Gallien von AEE Intec
The Mission Innovation Austria Week (MIA23) was organized by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation & Technology, Climate and Energy Fund and the innovation lab The Green Energy Lab was prominently represented at the event on all three days with numerous program items. Participation was possible on site in Stegersbach (Burgenland) or online via livestream.
Highlights of Green Energy Lab at the Mission Innovation Austria Week
Chairman and board spokesman of the Green Energy Lab, Mathias Schaffer, participated in a stage interview on the topic “from demo project to systemic innovation” on the main conference day. Susanne Supper, Managing Director and Cluster Manager at the Green Energy Lab, gave a keynote speech on “Research, Innovation and Market – It takes speed, cooperation and looking at the big picture”. Furthermore, Susanne Supper also led a focus group at the interactive workshop for energy regions.
Throughout the event, there were also keynotes, pitches, interviews, short impulses, poster exhibits, and appearances by experts from the Green Energy Lab community in the on-site and virtual marketplace. A large number of projects were presented in the Green Energy Lab, spread over all three program days of the Mission Innovation Austria Week.
On the third and last day of the conference, organized by the Climate and Energy Fund under the aegis of Daniela Kain, there was also a moderated interview on the topic of “The innovation field ‘Green Heating and Cooling’: How are municipalities meeting the challenges?” Susanne Supper and the mayors Jürgen Dolesch (Stegersbach), Margit Wennesz-Ehrlich (Oslip), Bernd Strobl (Ollersdorf), as well as the local councillor Kevin Sifkovits (Stegersbach) and Michael Niederkofler (Head of Innovation Lab act4energy) were involved. The interview was moderated by Angelika Sterrer-Tobler from the Vienna Business Agency.
Projects of Green Energy Lab at MIA23
✅ AC/DC presented by Alexander Pommer, Grazer Energieagentur
✅ Green The Flex and Car2Flex presented from Christian Lechner and Martin Holper, EVN
✅ CLUE presented from Mark Stefan, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
✅ Smart City Neudörfl presented from Patricia Jasek, Forschung Burgenland
✅ Spatial Energy Planning – A success story with a sequel, presented by Cécile Kerebel, SIR – Salzburger Institut für Raumordnung und Wohnen GmbH
✅ BM Retrofit and ThermaFLEX presented from Joachim Kelz and Ingo Leusbrock, AEE INTEC
✅ GEOMAT presented from Gerald Zotter and Carina Seidnitzer-Gallien, AEE INTEC
✅ DeRiskDH presented from Ralf-Roman Schmidt, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH

Mathias Schaffer, speaker of the board and chairman of Green Energy Lab, during the stage interview “from demo project to systemic innovation” with Christian Spanik (right).

Mathias Schaffer, Chairman and Spokesman of the Board, with Susanne Supper, Managing Director and Cluster Manager, Green Energy Lab
(Photos: Green Energy Lab)