Initial results of an impact analysis based on Green Energy Lab projects
Christian Kurz explained how such an analysis can be carried out and what hurdles need to be overcome in his presentation at the ISEC 2022 (International Sustainable Energy Conference).

Everyone is familiar with the climate researchers’ model calculations, which show us the threatening consequences of our actions. To escape these scenarios, effective measures are needed whose collective benefit is as large as possible, usable in the short term and predictable.
In Green Energy Lab, we manage a portfolio of approx. 60 projects that have set themselves the goal of shaping our energy system of tomorrow in an innovative, sustainable and climate-friendly way.
Managing such a project portfolio is a major undertaking. An impact analysis is an attempt to obtain a quantifiable statement on key climate parameters from the various projects and solutions.
The findings of such an impact analysis are manifold. It informs politicians, funding institutions and project developers and allows them to take the most effective and efficient measures.
Step by step towards climate change
In the Green Energy Lab, we have carried out an initial impact analysis using 4 projects as examples: Open Data Plattform, Beyond, Heat Water Storage Pooling and Blockchain Grid. These come from the areas of “energy communities” and “heat storage”.
The impact of the combined projects on the climate was extrapolated to the provinces of Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland and Styria and made measurable by their effect on four climate parameters: reduction of energy consumption, increase in the share of renewable energy, reduction of CO2 emissions and increase in the number of hours per year with 100% renewable electricity.
As a next step, we are aiming for a cross-regional impact analysis as a cooperation between all three flagship regions. In addition to the ecological aspect, economic and social effects should also be taken into account. The results can provide important input for the national climate strategy and measures to achieve our climate targets.