

NETSE Factsheet

NETSE result factsheet

First results of the NETSE project

UserGrids Ergebnis-Factsheet

UserGrids result factsheet

First results of the UserGrids project

Zukunftsquartier 2.0 – Final Report

Replicable, thermally and electrically grid-supported concept of (plus-energy) districts in a dense urban context

Blockchain Grid – Final Report

Blockchain-enabled flexibility activation for distribution grid management

CLUE Project Fact Sheet

Concepts, Planning, Demonstration and
Replication of Local User-friendly Energy


R2EC – Final Report

Karthik Subramanya Bhat (FH Technikum Wien)



Carina Seidnitzer-Galliena, Roman Stelzer


BM Retrofit @ ISEC 2024

Dr. Stefan Retschitzegger, DI (FH) Joachim Kelz, Dr. Ingo Leusbrock


ThermaFLEX @ ISEC 2024

DI (FH) Joachim Kelz, Dr. Ingo Leusbrock

ThermaFLEX – Final report

Final report on the results of the ThermaFLEX flagship project

TGA Planerjahrbuch 2024

(12/2023): BM Retrofit (J. Kelz), Doppler (K. Paar) und Renvelope (F. Leighton)

“Hybrid LSC” & “SmartU”

1/2023 – “Hybrid LSC” (S. 6) und “SmartU” (S. 10-11)

Innovation Sandbox – Method handbook for the implementation of a Innovation Sandbox

Mai.2022 – A cooperation with Winnovation Consulting on behalf of the climate and energy fund

Innovation Sandbox – Method handbook for the implementation of a Innovation Sandbox

Mai.2022 – A cooperation with Winnovation Consulting on behalf of the climate and energy fund

Innovation Sandbox – Method handbook for the implementation of a Innovation Sandbox

Mai.2022 – A cooperation with Winnovation Consulting on behalf of the climate and energy fund

Innovation Sandbox – Method handbook for the implementation of a Innovation Sandbox

May, 2022 – A cooperation with Winnovation Consulting on behalf of the climate and energy fund

“ThermaFLEX” – “Heating network in transition”

02 / 2022 – Heating network in transition: The Project “ThermaFLEX” (pg. 6-8) and some of its demonstration projects (pg. 9-14 and pg. 21-23)

“ThermaFLEX” – “Virtual heating system Gleisdorf”

01 / 2022 – Flexibilization of industrial energy systems: “Virtual heating system Gleisdorf” (pg. 24-26)

“ThermaFLEX” – “Virtual heating system Gleisdorf” and “Heating and cooling with waste water – Vienna canal”

03 / 2021 – Energy source waste water: “Virtual heating system Gleisdorf” (pg. 6-8) and “Heating and cooling with waste water – Vienna canal” (pg.8-9)

„Car2Flex“ & „SecondLifeBatteries“

May, 2021 – Innovative storage solutions from E-Mobility: “Car2Flex” (pg. 12-13) and “SecondLifeBatteries” (pg. 14-15)

SEP – Spatial Energy planning for warmth reversal

Feb., 2021 – The Project SEP – Spatial Energy Planning, and its potential as a game changer explained (pg. 8-9)

Blockchain Grid – Local energy, storage, and network management in testing

Jan., 2021 – Local energy communities as a forward looking concept (pg. 6-7)

Tech Radar on the subject of new and integrated mobility

Jan., 2021 – A cooperation with the Green Tech Cluster for the identification of new trends.

Sustainable technologies – digitization in the energy sector

Jan., 2021 – “Open Data Platform” – Customer-orientated energy data management for energy savings

Austria’s largest “living lab” for sustainable energy

March, 2020 – “energy innovation Austria” for active users – integration in the energy transition

Tech Radar for the topic: energy communities as new players

May, 2020 – A cooperation with the Green Tech Cluster for the identification of new trends

Energy!: Green Energy Lab promotes your ideas

Jan., 2020 – We showed our entrepreneurial spirit with a short article in the Wien Energie magazine (pg. 11)

Green Energy Lab: Project Beyond

Our contribution to the 4th edition of the energy report focused on the Beyond project (pg. 13)


Energy research in Austria – Innovations in the e-economy in numbers

Oct., 2019 – We were also featured in the 2019 Austrian Energy Research Report

Tech Radar for the topic: Electric energy storage

Jun., 2019 – A cooperation with the Green Tech Cluster to identify new trends

Green Energy Lab Publikation Vorzeigeregion

Austria’s largest innovation project for green energy

May., 2019 – The Green Energy Lab’s contribution to Mission Innovation Austria 2019

Green Energy Lab Publikation

From innovation lab to international market success

Dec., 2018 – Our article in the magazine “Sustainable Technologies” of AEE Intec.